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Terms & Conditions of Use

By accessing this web site, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms&Conditions of Use, and agree that you are responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws in your own country. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using and accessing this site!

By agreeing with Terms&Conditions of Use, you agree that ProtonRC is not responsible for any harm or damage caused by materials purchased from this site. By agreeing with all the rules and regulations of ProtonRC, you agree to use our products at your own risk.
We, ProtonRC, promise you a secure and private experience on our site. Your data will only be used for selling our online-goods. All payments will be securely done by third party providers. Our site is SSL certificated.


By creating an account on our site, you automatically accept our privacy & legal terms. All the personal information, excluding bank information & your password, you provide in your account, can be reviewed by ProtonRC. Though we offer saving your personal data, we recommend not doing so if you have any concern.
By leaving a comment on our site, your contact data will be used so we can interact with you.


We don’t offer any warranty or money-back service. Once you purchased any product in our store we receive the payment. Instead of warranty we offer a high quality, personal customer service. If you have any problems we ask you to contact us so we can help you/change our product if it needs to be. 
Contact us please at


Our pricing/sales can change in the future. Any purchase is charged to the current price, no refund will be made if the price changes. ProtonRC has the right to terminate itself without being liable to users for any length of service, verification fees, or any associated fees paid to ProtonRC.


The content of this page, including but not limiting to: texts, videos, images and digital products are property of ProtonRC, or the original uploader, who is protected by copyright. Unless indicated differently, all products offered by ProtonRC have a CC-BY-NC-ND license. In addition, we prohibit any sharing of our digital products!

You aren’t allowed to share, re-sell/reupload or change our product in any way without the prior express written by ProtonRC or the responsible creator. 

If you want to make private changes on our products, you are allowed to do so.
Any commercial 3d-printed sales of our files is prohibited unless we grant our permission. Private sales of used or new printed parts is allowed in a small quantity up to 3 units per person. ProtonRC is unless specified differently not responsible for any complaints or the vendors pricing!
ProtonRC will not initiate copyright claims against anyone who, in good faith, wants to use its images, videos and texts.

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